International law group, phoenix law was born the control of synergy of two lawyers bar paris and brussels and for long-term jurists in various areas of national and international law; for this purpose, they have decided to sharing skills and experience multidisciplinary acquired in many years of practice. placing the heart of their commitment professional interests of their customers, the law of phoenix lawyers and their teams are organized in order to network to support immediately and efficient way the expectations of them and to make the appropriate solutions with best deadlines. our customers are principally enterprises, public entities and individuals with a certain awareness.
Installed the heart of europe with heads as bridge brussels and paris, phoenix law makes the council and dispute the heart of its business with specific as to be able to deploy its services to destination of entrepreneurs, investors makers and established in areas also other than africa, europe, asia etc. finally, law phoenix tire of multiculturalism and specialty of members of its network special force which allows to understand and immediately anticipate the expectations of its customers and to provide accordingly for proactive advice, and specific comprehensive.
Paris Bruxelles
88,Avenue Niel 75017 PARIS Rue du Grand Hospice 34A 1000 BRUXELLES
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